Please see the meeting dates and times for Spring 2025. All meetings will be virtual unless otherwise notified. You will receive a Teams link in your calendar.

The role of the Faculty Assembly is to represent the faculty position on appropriate matters which may include the formulation, implementation, review, and application of policies, procedures and regulations governing Saint Augustine’s University– including the areas of academic policy and budgeting, workload, academic calendar, curricular structure, and delivery of instruction. The faculty of Saint Augustine’s University assumes a major share of responsibility for the continued development and maintenance of the academic and extracurricular programs of the University. It is understood that shared governance is vital to the well-being of the University.



  • Thursday, January 23
  • Thursday, February 27
  • Thursday, March 27
  • Thursday, April 24

All meetings will be virtual and held at 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise notified. You will receive a Teams link in your calendar.


If you have an agenda item you would like to be added for our next Full Faculty Assembly meeting, please send a request using the following form:


Moderator, Pro Tempore:

Dr. M. Iyailu Moses, Assistant Professor of Education

Vice Moderator:

Office vacant

Secretary, Pro Tempore:

Dr. Shirlkeymu Winston, Assistant Professor of History


Professor George Jack, Associate Professor of Theatre

Ad Hoc Member:

Dr. Marnie Arkenberg, Associate Professor of Psychology

Ad Hoc Member:

Dr. K. Celeste Evans, Associate Professor of Communications




Dr. Moges Abebe, Associate Professor of Chemistry

Vice Moderator:

Professor Virginia Tyler, Associate Professor of Visual Arts


Dr. Iyailu Moses, Department Chair of Education


Professor George Jack, Associate Professor of Theatre

Ad Hoc Member:

Dr. Marnie Arkenberg, Department Chair of Psychology

Ad Hoc Member:

Dr. Sarah Straud, Assistant Professor of Biology



Dr. Yvonne Umphrey

Vice Moderator:

Dr. Marnie Arkenberg


Dr. Sarah Straud


Dr. Patrick Webb

Ad Hoc Member:

The Late Dr. Harold Jeffreys


Faculty Assembly Executive Committee

The Faculty Assembly Executive Committee is a body of elected members from the full-time faculty who oversee all faculty committees and who serve as liaisons to the provost and executive-level representatives of the faculty.

Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee

The Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure shall review and recommend appropriate modifications in specific areas of university documents, policies and the Faculty Handbook that relate to academic freedom, procedures for faculty appointments, and tenure tract appointments. Additionally, the committee shall consider the protection of academic freedom and tenure as a principal obligation.

Academic Policies and Procedures Committee

Academic Policies and Procedures Committee initiates or reviews and recommends appropriate modifications in specific areas of university documents, policies and the Faculty Handbook that relate to academic affairs, faculty role and responsibilities, academic freedom, procedures for faculty appointments, and tenure track appointments. The Academic Policies Review Committee shall be charged with the review of all curriculum changes/actions generated through the University Curriculum Council prior to approval. All action items to be approved by the University Curriculum Council should be forwarded to the Academic Policies and Procedures Committee for review and comment after which the Committee will forward its findings to the full Faculty Assembly.

Academic Assessment Committee

The Academic Assessment Committee is comprised of all Program Coordinators and the Academic Assessment Coordinator. The Academic Assessment Committee receives guidance related to assessment, reporting, and student success in their academic programs.

Curriculum Council

The Curriculum Council evaluates curriculum and instruction on campus through its review of current instructional programs and consideration of new instructional programs.

Curriculum Council Handbook

Faculty Grievance and Welfare Committee

The Faculty Grievance/Welfare Committee shall accept and review written requests from faculty members relative to grievances, conduct an inquiry regarding the issue, and advise the faculty member of an appropriate process for resolution. The Committee shall also represent the general welfare of the faculty regarding compensation (salary, grant proceeds, etc.) and benefits, intellectual property rights, and contractually related monetary mandates.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The IRB is charged with the responsibility of reviewing, prior to its initiation, all research (whether funded or not) involving human participants. The IRB is concerned with protecting the welfare, rights, and privacy of human subjects. The IRB has the authority to approve, exempt, disapprove, monitor, and require modifications in all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations and institutional policy.

*The General Education Committee and the Library Committee were subsequently reclassified and designated as university committees, rather than standing committees of the Faculty Assembly.


For general queries, requests, grievances, or concerns, please e-mail us at We will send referrals to the appropriate Standing Committee when applicable.